Google Chart

        Charts are used for graphical representation of data. It makes understanding things easier. For representing variations, relations and comparisons of data we can use charts. Commonly used chart types are Line, Bar, Column, Area, Pie etc. Developers can go for any of the following implementation to display charts on their web…

Webobjects: A transcendent approach to Java Web Services

         WebObjects is a Java web application framework that ran on the server Apple. WebObjects is an integrated suite of Java frameworks for rapidly developing scalable, sophisticated Internet and Enterprise applications.WebObjects is a scalable, high-availability, high-performance application server. From the viewpoint of a developer, though, WebObjects is an extensible object-oriented platform upon which you can…

Integration with DandH (D&H)

D&H is a leading technology distributors specializing in emerging trends across IT, Electronics, Entertainment and Gaming. And D&h providing a way to incorporate them into various online shopping cart portals to obtain their sales in an easy manner. Because of this facility, the online shoping carts do not require a warehouse/shop for its own. Lets…