
Blockchain Offerings from Oracle

Introduction Blockchains are one of the most popular technologies nowadays. To understand blockchain better we can take an example of how our current digital finance system works. For example, consider boy buys a book on Amazon and boy uses Paytm for the transactions and Paytm later debits the amount from boys card and later card…

Technical Evaluation of a SaaS product

Often companies have to conduct technical as well financial evaluation & due diligence of SaaS products before deploying to meet their requirements or while acquiring. It may be also for competitive analysis. Some of the important points of consideration are: Financial viability Functionality mapping Security Scalability Third party Dependencies – like APIs and SDKs Licensing…

Virtualmin for cPanel users

We started using Virtualmin (webmin module to manage virtual hosts, domains etc) along with cPanel. There were few changes and bottlenecks we faced. This is a post to list down tips and tricks. We will be using NGNIX for web server and MySQL for database. Fail2ban is used to secure the system along with few…

Blockchain & Oracle Offerings

  Introduction: Blockchains are one of the most popular technologies nowadays. To understand blockchain better we can take an example of how our current digital finance system works.   For example, consider boy buys a book on Amazon and boy uses Paytm for the transactions and Paytm later debits the amount from boys card and…