

Headquartered in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania USA, Strahman Valves is a worldwide leader in the arena of design and manufacture of high quality Wash Down Equipment and Industrial Valve products. is the easiest way for shopping high quality Wash Down Equipment and Industrial Valve products. Strahman Valves website combines all the best features: e-commerce, content management, user management, as well as order management and can be maintained from one secure interface. Search engine friendly by its very design, Strahman Valves also has complete control over the tags displayed to the search engines, the system uses REAL URLs, along with an integrated site map component, that automatically tells Google when an update has been made to the site.

We are adding features (eg. listing accessory products along with main products in the store for add to cart.) to the site. Working on this project improved our knowledge on how an e-commerce can make more user friendly.

Packaging Logic For Shipping

It is always convenient to reduce the number of packets while shipping. We can apply any logic to create a packet, for example packing similar items in one packet , keep the packet size to a limit and many others. We look into detail how we can create packets with size less than a maximum value.
The logic we implemented in StrahmanValves is

  • 1. The packet size should not be greater than 300 lbs.
  • 2. Some items (weight around 300 lbs)with single package shipping(i.e. Only one item in a packet)

So if suppose we have 10 items of different sizes , we take one item by item, excluding the items categorized as single package shipping. On each addition of item to packet we check whether the packet size crossed the limit , if crossed we take the recently placed item from this packet and start creating a new packet and this logic continues till all the items are included in the packets. The single packet shipping items are packed as independent packets.

Strahman Valves website is build on spree commerce – The world’s most flexible e-commerce platform written for the Ruby on Rails framework .It is designed to make programming commerce applications easier by making several assumptions about what most developers needs to get started.

Core Technologies Used
